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Elocution Lessons in Leeds or Online

Elocution Lessons in Leeds or online – the skill of clear and expressive speech, especially of distinct pronunciation and articulation

Our elocution lessons in Leeds or online offer comprehensive training tailored to address various aspects of speech, including speech defects, accents, and voice coaching. Through personalised instruction, we work with individuals to overcome speech impediments, such as stutters or lisps, using specialised techniques and exercises to improve clarity and fluency.

In addition, our curriculum includes accent training, where students learn to modify their speech patterns to adopt different accents or reduce the influence of regional dialects. Accent coaching helps individuals communicate effectively across diverse contexts, whether for acting roles or personal development.

Voice coaching is another integral component of our elocution program. It focuses on enhancing vocal projection, resonance, and articulation. Students learn to harness the full potential of their voice, mastering techniques to command attention and convey emotions with clarity and impact.

We provide guidance, feedback, and support throughout training to ensure each student’s progress and success. With our holistic approach to elocution training, individuals gain confidence, refine their communication skills, and unlock their full vocal potential here at our studios or online with our unique elocution lessons in Leeds.

Student A

A recent example of a case study with Student A

Student A’s speech became incoherent after a brace was removed, and restrictive movement while wearing the brace compromised speech. Before the brace, student A spoke clearly and concisely.

How we restored clarity and diction with our elocution lessons in Leeds

 Articulation Exercises

Initial Assessment:

  • The student had a tendency to mumble, especially at the end of sentences, making it difficult for listeners to understand.


  1. Articulation Drills:
    • Practiced tongue twisters to enhance clarity, such as “She sells seashells by the seashore” and “Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.”
    • Focused on enunciating consonant sounds clearly, especially at the end of words.
  2. Slow Speaking Pace:
    • Encouraged the student to speak more slowly, ensuring each word is pronounced clearly.
    • Used a metronome to help the student maintain a steady, slower pace.


  • The student’s speech became clearer, with noticeable improvement in the articulation of final consonants, making it easier for listeners to understand them.

 Breathing Techniques

Initial Assessment:

  • The student mumbles due to poor breath control, leading to a lack of volume and clarity.


  1. Breathing Exercises:
    • Practiced diaphragmatic breathing to improve breath support.
    • Used exercises like blowing up balloons and controlled breathing techniques to enhance lung capacity.
  2. Projection Practice:
    • Worked on projecting the voice by imagining speaking to someone across the room.
    • Incorporated exercises like reading aloud while standing at different distances from the listener.


  • The student’s speech became louder and more resonant, reducing the tendency to mumble due to insufficient breath support.

Phonemic Awareness

Initial Assessment:

  • The student mumbles because they are not fully aware of the individual sounds in words, leading to slurred speech.


  1. Phonemic Exercises:
    • Practiced breaking down words into individual sounds (phonemes) and then blending them back together.
    • Used visual aids like phoneme charts and sound cards to reinforce learning.
  2. Minimal Pairs Practice:
    • Engaged in exercises with minimal pairs (words that differ by only one phoneme) to heighten awareness of sound distinctions, such as “bat” vs. “pat.”


  • The student developed better awareness of individual sounds within words, leading to clearer and more precise speech.

 Recording and Playback

Initial Assessment:

  • The student was aware of their mumbling. It’s was our job to help him understand and how it affected his speech clarity.


  1. Recording Sessions:
    • Recorded the student speaking in various contexts (reading aloud, spontaneous conversation).
    • Played back the recordings to the student, highlighting instances of mumbling.
  2. Self-Monitoring Techniques:
    • Taught the student to self-monitor their speech by pausing and checking clarity during conversation.
    • Used tools like mirrors and voice recording apps for the student to practice and assess their speech independently.


  • The student became more aware of their speech habits and started self-correcting mumbling in real-time, leading to significant improvement in speech clarity.

 Stress and Intonation Patterns

Initial Assessment:

  • The student’s mumbling is partly due to monotonous speech with poor use of stress and intonation. This can happen unknown to the student during the time they are wearing braces


  1. Intonation Practice:
    • Practiced reading sentences with exaggerated intonation patterns to help the student vary their pitch and stress.
    • Used exercises that focus on the natural rise and fall of speech, such as reading poetry or acting out dialogues.
  2. Stress Patterns:
    • Emphasised the importance of stressing key words in a sentence to convey meaning.
    • Practiced sentence stress exercises, such as contrasting “I never said she stole my money” with different stress patterns to change the meaning.


  • The student’s speech became more dynamic and engaging, with better use of stress and intonation, reducing the tendency to mumble monotonously.


1st reading lesson. Please note mumbling and incoherent speech

Speech Exercises. Pronouncing consonant and vowel sounds distinctly.


4th Lesson. Working on clarity.


5th Lesson Working on individual sounds (phonemes) and then blending them back together.



6th Lesson Much improvement. Sounds clearer and pace slower.



Final Lesson

  • The student’s speech became more dynamic and engaging, with better use of stress and intonation, reducing the tendency to mumble monotonously. Clarity and diction much improved.



Alyson has over 35 years of experience in elocution training. Amongst her more famous students was no less than Joe Pasquale.

Elocution Lessons

Alyson giving Joe some elocution pointers

Private lessons at £45 per half hour are available – for children and adults – please email or phone to discuss your particular requirements.  Book six lessons in advance 10% discount.

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Difference between Speech and elocution

If you think you or your child would be more suited to our one to one lessons Confidence Through Drama please press on this link.